Tuesday 4 April 2017


Dear Students,

Welcome to the 6th Class Drama Session!

From now on, we will have a weekly Drama Session.

  • Every week I will write a post with different sentences. You will have some days to think about the different options and  which one you will like to do at the school.
  • The improvisations will have to begin with one of these lines.
  • You will work in small groups: 4-5 people.
  • You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to work on your improvisations. You will have to discuss, plan and prepare your perfomances and create a good and believable ending.
  • Finally, each group will perform their improvisation in front of the classmates.
  • In group, we will think about our classmates performances, the positive and the constructive comments.

This week suggentions are:

1. 'Are you an alien too?'
2. 'You call THIS food?'
3. 'Where is your ticket?'
4. 'And here she is, the world's most beautiful model, ...'

Our first session will be on the 11th of April.

Think creatively and have fun!

Kind Regards,

Your English Teacher, Cristina

Monday 3 April 2017


Dear Students, Read the following story and select the correct word for each gap. Wanted


Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Gardaí in Loretown were today investigationg an incident of breaking and entering that occurred in the early hours of Tuesday . The home of a local bear was broken into while the couple, known locally as Daddy and Mammy Bear, were out walking in the woods with their young son, Baby Bear.

The female intruder broke a valuable belonging to Baby Bear and stole a small bowl of porridge that also belonged to Baby Bear. The was interrupted by the return of the Bear family, and she made her getaway by leaping from an open and making off on foot.

Gardaí say that the introuder was female with , golden blonde hair, that she was about 1.45 in height and that she wore white .
Remember to read it carefully and leave your score in a comment. Kind Regards, Your English Teacher, Cristina

Sunday 2 April 2017

Human Emotions

Last week we read a text about the most common Human Emotions and we all enjoyed illustrating with examples different feelings.

Here you will find a Word Search Puzzle where you have to find the Top 8 Human Emotions listed bellow the puzzle.

After finding them, you have to write one sentence with each word.
Try to be as much original and creative as you can! ©

This is a voluntary task for the ones who like Word Search Puzzles, Writing, Emotions vocabulary, or just simply want to practice a little bit more.

As always, I encourage you to make it!

The deadline for this assignment is the 10th of April.

Thank you for your interest.

Kind Regards,

Your English Teacher, Cristina

Quick Guide to Easter Egg History

Good morning everyone,

As you know, Easter is nearly here! ↱

I'm sure you have already seen Easter Eggs put on display in the shops these days.

Do you know the history about this sweet treasure?

Watch this video and answer the following questions in your English notebook.

You can also design your Easter Egg.

Questions:  ⇩
  1. What are the Easter Eggs?
  2. Which materials are used to make the Easter Eggs?
  3. When was originated the customs of the Easter Eggs?
  4. What symbolize Easter Egg in Christianity?
  5. What has traditionaly symbolized Easter Egg?
  6. Where were commonly placed gold and silver Eggs over 5,000 years ago?
  7. If you go shopping these days or go for a walk and see Easter Eggs in the shops you can take a picture and paste it in your English Notebook, or in a comment in this post and tell us where did you see it.

The deadline for this interesting task is the 7th of April, next Friday.

Enjoy the Easter Egg History and eat a delicious Easter Egg to celebrate it!💧


Your English Teacher, Cristina

Saturday 1 April 2017

Breaking News Channel 6

Dear Students,

I hope you are having a nice day. 😊

On the 5th of April, next Wednesday, we will have a new activity called:
                                   "Breaking News Channel 6"

⇉ These are the instructions to make this activity:
  1.  At home, you have to make a quick search in some English or Spanish News Television and Newspaper Websites (BBC News, The Irish Times,  Antena 3 Noticias, Diario de Navarra, etc.). The source of information can be in English or Spanish.
  2. Once you have selected the new, you have to read it, write and recount it into your own words in English.
  3. On Wednesday, you will find our class decorated as a set where you will have to:

  •  introduce yourself, the channel and date. 
  • explain the new rewritten in  your own words as if you were a real presenter, trying not to read it and in a maximum of 2 minutes. 
  • You can use or not a PowerPoint Slide to support your new.
  • When you finish, your classmates will ask you some questions about the new.

By clicking here you will find a template where you have to fill the information about the activity and that I will collect on the same date, 5th of April, next Wednesday.

Write a comment if you have any doubt.

Feel yourself as a journalist. 👀

Looking forward to hearing your breaking news!

Kind Regards,

Cristina Gil