Saturday 1 April 2017

Breaking News Channel 6

Dear Students,

I hope you are having a nice day. 😊

On the 5th of April, next Wednesday, we will have a new activity called:
                                   "Breaking News Channel 6"

⇉ These are the instructions to make this activity:
  1.  At home, you have to make a quick search in some English or Spanish News Television and Newspaper Websites (BBC News, The Irish Times,  Antena 3 Noticias, Diario de Navarra, etc.). The source of information can be in English or Spanish.
  2. Once you have selected the new, you have to read it, write and recount it into your own words in English.
  3. On Wednesday, you will find our class decorated as a set where you will have to:

  •  introduce yourself, the channel and date. 
  • explain the new rewritten in  your own words as if you were a real presenter, trying not to read it and in a maximum of 2 minutes. 
  • You can use or not a PowerPoint Slide to support your new.
  • When you finish, your classmates will ask you some questions about the new.

By clicking here you will find a template where you have to fill the information about the activity and that I will collect on the same date, 5th of April, next Wednesday.

Write a comment if you have any doubt.

Feel yourself as a journalist. 👀

Looking forward to hearing your breaking news!

Kind Regards,

Cristina Gil


  1. Dear Mª Cristina, thank you for sharing this activity to turn students into reporters / presenters. The truth is that they include several sources of consultation and the template that you attach is very detailed. Now we just need to move to action.

  2. Hi Cristina!
    I really like the activity that you have designed. The combination of writing, reading and speaking activities is awesome. In order to improve your students' reading skills I would suggest to find the information only in English, instead of given them the opportunity to use Spanish websites.

    1. Hi Alex! Thank you very much for your comment and your remark.
      To be honest, I doubted about that, but I thought that maybe some students would like to talk about any new that wasn't translated into English, so I decided to give both options. Thank you for your point of view!
