Tuesday 4 April 2017


Dear Students,

Welcome to the 6th Class Drama Session!

From now on, we will have a weekly Drama Session.

  • Every week I will write a post with different sentences. You will have some days to think about the different options and  which one you will like to do at the school.
  • The improvisations will have to begin with one of these lines.
  • You will work in small groups: 4-5 people.
  • You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to work on your improvisations. You will have to discuss, plan and prepare your perfomances and create a good and believable ending.
  • Finally, each group will perform their improvisation in front of the classmates.
  • In group, we will think about our classmates performances, the positive and the constructive comments.

This week suggentions are:

1. 'Are you an alien too?'
2. 'You call THIS food?'
3. 'Where is your ticket?'
4. 'And here she is, the world's most beautiful model, ...'

Our first session will be on the 11th of April.

Think creatively and have fun!

Kind Regards,

Your English Teacher, Cristina


  1. Cristina,
    Your first exercise seems very simple to understand. It is clear and easy to perform as a teacher. I think I will relizaré a similar one in my blog. It's a great idea. I did not know how to start. Congratulations. I have seen the pages of Vanessa, Ana and Neus and they are fantastic

  2. Hello Antonio,

    Thank you for your comment. I'm really happy you liked it, of course, use it as much as you want.

    Kind Regards,

    Cristina Gil

  3. Hi Cristina,
    I really love your idea. Drama activities always attract children and they are quite useful to enhance skills. I also like that you post a cooment in all the activities. I consider you have made a great work.

  4. Hi Cristina,
    I really love your idea. Drama activities always attract children and they are quite useful to enhance skills. I also like that you post a cooment in all the activities. I consider you have made a great work.

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment Alicia. I'm glad you like the activity. Yes, playing drama has lot of benefits, in fact, in Ireland it is one more subject as Maths, English...etc.

  5. Hi Cristina,
    I would like to congratulate you for your activity. I do believe that it is very useful in terms of making children loose their shame to talk in a foreign language in front of other people.

  6. Hello Sandra,
    Thank you very much for your comment.
    Yes, that's true. In addition, Drama helps to put ourselves in other's shoes, see things from different points of view...etc.

  7. Great activity Cristina!

    I agree with you that Drama has a lot of benefits. They will be able to empathize with people, it improves their self-esteem and they have fun all together.

    I am sure this activity would be quite appropriate in a real context.

    1. Thank you for your comment Gemma.
      As a future teacher I think I will use Drama and role-playing very often.

  8. Guadalupe Noriega Díaz17 April 2017 at 15:30

    Congratulations Cristina, it's a very complete and inspirational blog for all of us. You've been very creative. The theater generally remains relegated to the background and much less work is done in the classroom, however, well worked through learning situations with a well-planned didactic objectives can be very productive and constructive. I think it is an excellent way to work not only improvisation, the task of brave people especially when it comes to a language that you do not dominate, but also you can learn to express in public, using both space and nonverbal language, especially valuable for try to make yourself understood better, work different types of speech. In addition we learn to listen and respect the turn of the word, work on aspects such as listening and attention, paying more attention to pronunciation, sounds, silences, intonation, mental agility
    and on the other hand, discipline and knowing how to behave properly at group level, Learning to self-regulate in function of the speech of our partners. Some of these aspects may not be directly related to the teaching of English, but they are also basic rules for interacting with others that we must also learn and teach, and in that we must include not only children, but adults as well. We must have respect for others and the place where we are. Finally, it is a team work where the distribution of tasks and roles, encourages the increase of responsibility in responding to your work, valuing the work done by others, group satisfaction for work well done and group reward, and this promotes the feeling of belonging to the same group, self-esteem and self-confidence, vital aspects in learning a language in which we are still afraid to produce oral messages.

    1. Hello Guadalupe,
      Thank you very much for leaving your comment. You are right, Drama has all these benefits.
      I'm glad you like it!

  9. Hi Cristina!
    I really like your blog, specially the Breaking News activity and the drama activity. It is vey attractive and clear. I think it is very important to make activities where students have to work together and speak in front of other people. Acting is a very good way to practice a foreigner language.
    Great job!!
