Monday 3 April 2017


Dear Students, Read the following story and select the correct word for each gap. Wanted


Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Gardaí in Loretown were today investigationg an incident of breaking and entering that occurred in the early hours of Tuesday . The home of a local bear was broken into while the couple, known locally as Daddy and Mammy Bear, were out walking in the woods with their young son, Baby Bear.

The female intruder broke a valuable belonging to Baby Bear and stole a small bowl of porridge that also belonged to Baby Bear. The was interrupted by the return of the Bear family, and she made her getaway by leaping from an open and making off on foot.

Gardaí say that the introuder was female with , golden blonde hair, that she was about 1.45 in height and that she wore white .
Remember to read it carefully and leave your score in a comment. Kind Regards, Your English Teacher, Cristina


  1. 100% Good activity!!! And great blog Cristina! :)

  2. Thank you Sandra! I'm happy you like the blog! I really enjoyed doing it! :)

  3. Nice exercise!!
    Maybe a little bit difficult in vocabulary for Primary children... There are some phrases that could be redacted in an easier way...
    Good job!

  4. Hello Julen,
    Thank you for your comment. I take into account your remark!

  5. First of all, I loved the presentation of the blog. Really related to the teaching of the English language.
    The vocabulary of the gap-fill exercise may be a bit difficult, but the different options to chose are a big help.

  6. Hello Cristina.

    It is a very interesting activity, giving the student several options to choose the correct one, thus facilitating his choice; So the student at that age should distinguish between the correct word.

    Although I think that in the activity a vocabulary is used too hard for Primary students, using too technical words for that age.
