Sunday 2 April 2017

Human Emotions

Last week we read a text about the most common Human Emotions and we all enjoyed illustrating with examples different feelings.

Here you will find a Word Search Puzzle where you have to find the Top 8 Human Emotions listed bellow the puzzle.

After finding them, you have to write one sentence with each word.
Try to be as much original and creative as you can! ©

This is a voluntary task for the ones who like Word Search Puzzles, Writing, Emotions vocabulary, or just simply want to practice a little bit more.

As always, I encourage you to make it!

The deadline for this assignment is the 10th of April.

Thank you for your interest.

Kind Regards,

Your English Teacher, Cristina


  1. Hi Cristina,
    It is a good activity, but it seems quite difficult to be done by Primary younger students. It cost to me to search the words.
    In other hand, as it is to print it, the students don't have feedback while they are doing. So in this sense, I think that Hotpotatoes, is more useful to be used by students on their own and more comfortable to us because we haven't got the obligation of overview all their works one by one to be corrected.
    Thanks for giving your examples.
    See you

  2. Hello Vanesa,

    Thank your for your feedback, really appreciated.
    The blog itself is thought for 6th class.

    I would give the solved puzzle to my students in class and I would correct the sentences made with the found words.

    Kind Regards,

    Cristina Gil

  3. Hi Cristina! I couldn't like your blog more! Great idea to encourage your students! writing deadlines is a fantastic way of making them responsible for their learning process. Thus, I find it really difficult to teach emotions in ESL classrooms and the way you did it is great! I would use it in my class! Congrats!

  4. Thank you very much for your comment Maria! I really appreciate your opinions. Yes, I think that deadlines are necessary to organize yourself, as well as some compulsory and voluntary tasks. We could also use drama and role-playing to teach emotions. Thank you again!
