Sunday 2 April 2017

Quick Guide to Easter Egg History

Good morning everyone,

As you know, Easter is nearly here! ↱

I'm sure you have already seen Easter Eggs put on display in the shops these days.

Do you know the history about this sweet treasure?

Watch this video and answer the following questions in your English notebook.

You can also design your Easter Egg.

Questions:  ⇩
  1. What are the Easter Eggs?
  2. Which materials are used to make the Easter Eggs?
  3. When was originated the customs of the Easter Eggs?
  4. What symbolize Easter Egg in Christianity?
  5. What has traditionaly symbolized Easter Egg?
  6. Where were commonly placed gold and silver Eggs over 5,000 years ago?
  7. If you go shopping these days or go for a walk and see Easter Eggs in the shops you can take a picture and paste it in your English Notebook, or in a comment in this post and tell us where did you see it.

The deadline for this interesting task is the 7th of April, next Friday.

Enjoy the Easter Egg History and eat a delicious Easter Egg to celebrate it!đź’§


Your English Teacher, Cristina


  1. Hi Cristina,

    I think that you have greate a really brilliant blog. It presents some varied topics, and you introduce some current issues (like the easter egg). I like the diversity of activities that you stablish, all of them really useful for working the different skills. I like also the drama activity. It is a very dynamic anc participative activity.
    It ´s interesting how you can leave different notices to the students by this way. The detail in the explanation of each activity is really adequate.

    MarĂ­a Amparo Albert.

    1. Hello MarĂ­a Amparo,
      Thank you very much for your comment, really appreciated.
      I think that the students need to know, crearly and simply, what they are going to do, step by step, so they can prepare themselves, and their expectations.
      I love Drama, in Ireland it is one more subject as it is Maths, English...I think they can have fun while they learn lot of things, skills...

  2. I think it is a great idea for the students to know the culture and the celbration of the Easter, in the English style ....
    Unite cultures and especially learn about the language they study, is the best option to learn the language.
    Great idea mate .... I point it to my future classes.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you for leaving your comment RocĂ­o.
      Of course, you can use it as much as you need.

      Best Regards,


  3. Hi Cristina.
    Your blog is very interesting and it has activities with a lot of information. I liked so much the Easter Eggs activity. The lenght of the video is perfect for kids and all the questions are clear and easy to do.
    You can practice different skills with the students and all information is well explained.

    1. Hello Martin,
      Thank you for leaving your comment! I'm glad you like it! I really enjoyed doing it :)
      Yes, I found interesting to work with this topic on those days!
